2012 Overview: Another fun year of cycling
2012 started out as usual...feeling out of shape...although I don’t think I was out of shape from a normal persons perspective. For me, I was feeling fat after the holidays and just felt slow and sluggish on the bike. My idea of feeling out of shape. JANUARY Mount Soledad in San Diego I did my usual. I started to bring up the base miles. I have never really trained scientifically through all my years of riding. Maybe if I did I would do much better. I just do what feels right for me. January miles for me....680 miles, mostly just shorter rides with some longer rides mixed in. The two most memorable rides were a ride with friends up Hwy 39 to East Fork then up to Mount Baldy Village via Glendora Mountain road and Glendora Ridge road. The other ride was a short one down in San Diego with my daughter Nicole. She gave me a bike tour of Pacific Beach, Mount Soledad and La Jolla. It was great. I have to go down an ride there more. FEBR...