
Showing posts from July, 2017

2017 LA Wheelmen Grand Tour

It was an interesting Grand Tour this year.  I was going to staff my usual rest stop on the highland course up on Potrero Road near the summit of the epic climb that everyone loves to hate.  I was then going to do the event as usual on a staff ride either solo or with the staff on the actual staff ride day. The Grand Tour was my very first double century. This was all back in the day before The California Triple Crown was created. I found it fitting back a few years ago that I use this event to ride my 100th Triple Crown double century. It was only right that I use this event for my 150th Triple Crown. The Grand Tour is, after all, so close to home. Like I said above, I was planning on riding it on the staff ride as usual and staffing the event. It was not really a big deal to me. Just another event.....but my friends had another take on it. I have such amazing friends!! I cant stress enough how special all my cycling friends are to me. They are the best!! They